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366 LESSON 12: Designing Forms

TABLE 12.2 HTML Tags Used in This Lesson
Tag Use
<form> Creates an HTML form. You can have multiple forms within a document,
but you cannot nest the forms.
action An attribute of <form> that indicates the server-side script (with a URL
path) that processes the form data.
enctype An attribute of the <form> tag that specifies how form data is encoded
before being sent to the server.
method An attribute of <form> that defines how the form data is sent to the server.
Possible values are get and post.
<input> A <form> element that creates controls for user input.
<button> Creates a button that can have HTML content.
<textarea> A text-entry field with multiple lines.
<select> A menu or scrolling list of items. Individual items are indicated by the
<option> tag.
<option> Individual items within a <select> element.
<progress> Progress bar to measure the progress of a task.
<meter> Gauge to show a scalar measurement within a known range.
<label> Creates a label associated with a form control.
<fieldset> Organizes form controls into groups.
<legend> Displays a caption for a <fieldset> element.
type An attribute of <input> that indicates the type of form control. Possible
values are shown in the following list:
text Creates a single-line text entry field.
color Creates a color entry field.
date Creates a date picker.
datetime Creates a date and time picker.
datetime-local Creates a local date and time picker.
email Creates an email entry field.
month Creates a month picker.
number Creates a number picker.
range Creates a range slider.
search Creates a search entry field.
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