Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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13 Structuring a Page with HTML5

with HTML5

Once you’ve designed a few websites, you begin to notice a pattern. Most
web pages have a similar structure, with a header, footer, navigation, and
sections. The authors of the HTML5 specification added support for addi-
tional structural tags to make it easier for authors to create web pages
with a tag structure that matches the meaning behind those tags. Most of
the new tags in HTML5 are new structural elements.
This lesson will cover the following topics:
n A review of how page layout approaches have evolved over the his-
tory of HTML
n How to lay out a page using HTML5 tags
n An overview of the new structural tags in HTML5
n How the browser creates an outline of a web page
n How to use HTML5 scripts that don’t yet provide HTML5 support
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