Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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Workshop 469



Put on your thinking cap again because it’s time for another review. These questions,
quizzes, and exercises will remind you about the items that you should (or should not)
include on your pages.


Q Are there other areas I should focus on when doing RWD?

A Just about any aspect of your site can be made responsive. You can change the
fonts and typography depending on the device viewing your page. You can adjust
what fields show up in a form. The two places I would focus on next if you want to
go further with RWD are typography and navigation. Both of these can impact your
site significantly, and RWD can make them even more impressive.

Q Are there websites that focus just on mobile devices and ignore the desktop?

A Like Mobile First, there is also a Mobile Only movement. These people believe that
mobile is the future and that web designers should focus on building their sites first
and only for mobile (and desktop users can view it without much issue). There is
a huge benefit to this type of thinking; your site will be much more likely to take
advantage of some of the features like GeoLocation that are only truly useful on
mobile devices.


  1. Why is RWD important?

  2. What does the column-rule property do?

  3. Why should you use responsive images?

  4. What attribute can you use to make videos responsive?

Quiz Answers

  1. Responsive web design, or RWD, helps designers focus on making their sites
    accessible and available to every device or person who visits. This is important
    for the site owner because he gets more pageviews. And it’s important for the web
    community as a whole because it helps make the Web easier to use for everyone.

  2. The column-rule property is a CSS3 property that defines the width, color, and
    style of lines between columns.

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