Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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624 LESSON 22: Designing for User Experience


  1. Design a simple navigation system for a website and describe it in a manner that
    makes sense to you. Then ask others to review it and verify that your explanations
    are clear to them.

  2. Make a list of the topics that you want to discuss on your website. Go through the
    list a second time and see whether you can anticipate the types of people who will
    be interested in those topics. Finally, review the list a third time and list the special
    needs that you should consider for each user group.

  3. Visit Cynthia Says, the accessibility validator, and see how your site rates against
    the accessibility guidelines.

  4. Make sure that all the tags on your site have alt attributes. It’s a good first
    step toward accessibility.

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