Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

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Organizing Your HTML Files for Publishing 631


n What’s the URL of my top-level directory? This URL will usually be different
from the actual path to your files.

n What is the operating system of my web server? Most web servers run on Linux
or UNIX using Apache as the web server software, but there are Windows and
Macintosh web servers. The operating system (and web server software) will affect
what types of scripts and files you can use on the site.

n What’s the name of the system’s default index file? This file is loaded by default
when a URL ends with a directory name. Usually it’s index.html or index.htm,
but it may be default.htm or something else.

n Can I run PHP, ASP, or other types of scripts? Depending on your server, the
answer to this question may be a decisive “no,” or you might be limited to certain
programs and capabilities.

n Do you support special plug-ins or file types? If your site will include multime-
dia files (Flash, MP3, MP4, or others), your webmaster might need to configure the
server to accommodate those file types. Make sure that the server properly handles
special types of files before you create them.

n Are there limitations on what or how much I can put up? Some servers restrict
pages to specific content (for example, only work-related pages or no adult content)
or restrict the amount of storage you can use. Make sure that you understand these
restrictions before you publish your content.

n Is there a limit to the amount of bandwidth that my site can consume? This
is somewhat related to the previous question. Most web hosts only allow you to
transfer a certain amount of data over their network over a given period of time
before they either cut you off or start charging you more money. You should ask
what your bandwidth allotment is and make sure that you have enough to cover the
traffic you anticipate. (The bandwidth allotment from most web hosts is more than
enough for all but the most popular sites, and more and more hosts offer unlimited

n Do you provide any canned scripts that I can use for my web pages? If you
aren’t keen on writing your own scripts to add advanced features to your pages,
ask your service provider whether it provides scripts that might be of assistance.
For example, many web hosts provide a script for creating an email contact form.
Others might provide access to form-processing scripts, too. More and more
hosting companies are offering package managers to add external programs like
WordPress and Drupal as well.

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