Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1

710 CSS (cascading style sheets)

planning the page, 144
signatures, 150-151
testing results, 153-154
unordered lists, 150
selectors, 162, 189-190
attribute selectors, 193-194
classes, 163-164. See also classes (CSS)
contextual selectors, 162-163
IDs, 163-164. See also IDs (CSS)
pseudo-classes, 190-193
sitewide style sheets, creating, 161-162
spacing units, 143
<span> tags, 125
standards, 195
tables, laying out, 422-434
text-decoration properties, 125-126
troubleshooting, 195
units of measure, 166
length units, 166-167
percentage units, 168
URLs, using, 168
web design, 435-436
organization, 436-437
site-wide style sheets, 439
.css file extension, 161
customizing videos, YouTube, 389
CuteFTP, 635
Cynthia Says validator, 620

D, 391
Dashboard (Google Analytics), 647-648
data attribute (<object> tag), 403
data types, JavaScript, 488-489
database connectivity, PHP, 682
<datalist>, 327-328
date and time types (HTML5), 330-331

<dd> tags, 72, 81, 86
default index files, 632-633
definition links, 590
definition terms. See <dt> tags
density of keywords, 693
deployment, PHP files, 685
descendant selector, 189-190
descriptive titles, 583
design, wireframing, 33-36
for accessibility, 617
color, 617
fonts, 618
forms, 619
frames, 619
HTML tags, 619
linked windows, 619
web pages
accessibility. See accessibility
determining user preferences, 610-611
emphasis, 619
first time users versus regular users, 609
images, image etiquette, 237
navigation, 608-609
search engines, 606
URLs, 606-608
designing websites, 581
brevity, 582
browser-specific terminology, 584
clarity, 582
consistent layout, 586
emphasis, 583-584
grouping related information, 586
headings, 585
images, 591
links, 587
organizing for quick scanning, 582
page validation, 578-580
proofreading, 584-585
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