Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS & JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

(singke) #1

operators 727

tag, 230
tag, 403
named entities, 140-141
domain names, registering, 629
filenames, 632-633
case sensitivity, 634
restrictions, 633
naming colors, 170
naming conventions, CSS classes and IDs, 195
nav element, 377-378
navigating DOM, node properties, 545
navigation (forms)
access keys, 352
adding to web pages, 608-609
defaults, changing, 351-352
drop-down menus, creating, 306-311
navigation icons, 215-218
navigation links, 583
nested tags, 59
absolutely positioned elements, 295-297
lists, 82-84
tables, 285
tags, 95
Network Solutions website, 629
intranet, 24
intranets, 9
newspapers, online newspapers, 11-12
node properties, DOM (navigating), 545
nofollow attribute, 113
non-anonymous FTP, URLs, 115
noshade attributes,
tags, 133
Notepad, 26
Notepad++, 27
number input type, 329
numbered entities, 141
numbered lists
customizing, 75-77
HTML tags for, 73


object-oriented PHP, 682
<object> tag, 416
alternative content, 403-404
attributes, 403
embedding Flash multimedia, 400-404
<video> tag, using with, 412-413
JavaScript, 489-490
this form, 532
<ol> tags, 73, 86
type attributes and, 74-75
<option> tag, 366
menus, creating, 342-345
multiple attribute, 344
selected attribute, 344
Ogg Theora container format, 393
Ogg Theora versus H.264 codec, 417
onblur event handler, 492
onchange event handler, 492
onclick event handler, 492
onfocus event handler, 493
online books, 10
online newspapers, 11-12
onload event handler, 493
onmouseover event handler, 493
onselect event handler, 493
onsubmit event handler, 493, 529
onunload event handler, 493
opening HTML tags, 45
Opera, 17
JavaScript, 479-480
string concatenation operators, 659