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(singke) #1

processing forms (PHP) 729

conditional operators, 662
conditional statements, 661
cookies, 683
database connectivity, 682
expanding knowledge of, 681
file uploads, 683
deploying, 685
editing, 685
includes, 678-680
choosing includes, 680-681
loops, 662
controlling execution, 665-666
for, 664
foreach, 663
while and do...while loops, 664-665
object-oriented PHP, 682
processing forms, 668-669
parameters with multiple values, 669-670
presenting forms, 674-676
validating forms, 670-672
regular expressions, 682
running on your computer, 653-654
scripts, browser dependence, 685
sending email, 682
sessions, 683
strings, 659-661
user-defined functions, 666-667
returning values, 667-668
variables, 655-656
PHP and MySQL Web Development (i), 681
PHP interpreter, 653
physical style tags, 124
Pilgrim, Mark, 621
pixels, measurements, 440
planning for RWD, 449-450
planning pages, 144. See also content
plug-inspage attribute ( tag), 405

plus sign (+), addition operator, 479
PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 199
polyfill elements, 381
polygons, imagemap coordinates, 229
popup() function, 568-570
pop-up windows
JavaScript, opening with, 567-571
setting up, 569
port numbers, URLs, 111
Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 199
positioning (CSS), 288
absolute positioning, 293
dynamic overlays, 297-300
nesting elements, 295-297
properties, 293-295
fixed positioning, 301-303
relative positioning, 288-293
static positioning, 288
top/left/bottom/right properties, 288
z-index property (stacking), 303-306
post method (<form> tag), 315-316
post method (forms), 321-322, 640
pound signs (#)
CSS and, 164
numbered entities, 141
<pre> tags, 128-130, 154
preformatted text, 128-130
preload attribute (<audio> tag), 414
preload attribute (<video> tag), 397
preloading video files, 592
preparing images for Web, 198
presenting forms, PHP, 674-676
preventing cross-site scripting, 669
processing forms (PHP), 668-669
parameters with multiple values, 669-670
presenting forms, 674-676
validating forms, 670-672
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