samples 731
registering domain names, 628-629
registration form example (form controls),
registration forms, 13
regular expressions, PHP, 682
rel attribute, 113
tag, 161
relative pathnames, 96
versus absolute pathnames, 97
linking local pages, 95-98
relative positioning (CSS), 288-290, 293
relative units (CSS), 166-167
rem unit (CSS), 167
remote pages, linking to, 98
sample exercise, 99-100
reports, Google Analytics, 647-648
require_once, 680-681
reserved characters (character entities), 141
reserved words, JavaScript, 481
reset attribute, tag, 367
reset buttons, creating with tag, 334
retrieving style sheet properties, JQuery,
right alignment (images), 210-211
right property (CSS positioning), 288
robots, 689
robots.txt file, 697-698
rows. See also cells
alignment, 279-282
creating, 244-246
grouping, 279-282
tables, 244
rowspan attribute, 284
Ruby on Rails, 684
RWD, 445
best practices, 467-468
history of, 444
images, making responsive, 460-463
importance of, 445
layout, adjusting, 454-459
media queries, 450
breakpoints, 452-453
media features, 451-452
media types, 450-451
style sheets, building, 454
mobile web, viewport settings, 447-449
planning for, 449-450
tables, making responsive, 463, 466-467
videos, making responsive, 460-463
Safari (Apple), 17
<samp> tag, 155
as logical style tags, 123
sample script, JQuery, 501-503
creating and formatting pages, 143-144
adding content, 145
adding tables of contents, 146
Bookworm web page code, 151-153
frameworks, 144-145
link menus, 148-149
page descriptions, 147
planning the page, 144
signatures, 150-151
testing results, 153-154
unordered lists, 150
HTML documents, creating, 47, 66-67
linking anchors, 105-109
linking remote pages, 99-100
link menus, creating, 101-103
links, creating, 91-95
creating, 248-251
service specification table, 269-275