special effects, web pages 733, 699
serifs, 51
server efficiency, JavaScript, 473
server-side file processing, 627
server-side images, 226
server-side scripts and forms processing, 626
servers. See web servers
servers (web), 24, 626
authentication, 627
choosing, 627
bandwidth limitations, 631
domain parking, 629
ISPs (Internet service providers), 628
personal servers, 629
school servers, 627
Web presence providers, 628-629
work servers, 627
file management, 626
file types, 626
media types, 626
moving files between, 633
carriage returns/line feeds, 634
filename restrictions, 633
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 634-635
security, 627
server-side file processing, 627
server-side scripts and forms processing, 626
troubleshooting, 636
sessions, PHP, 683
SFTP (Secure FTP), 38
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language),
shape attribute ( tag), 230
shapes, imagemap coordinates
circles, 229
polygons, 229
rectangles, 230
showing elements, JavaScript, 538-546
creating, 150-151
for mobile web, 598-599
web pages, 602
site indexes, 643
Bing, 691
choosing, 649
Google, 690
Yahoo!, 691
site-wide style sheets, 439
creating, 161-162
sitemaps, 696
sites. See websites
size attribute
<hr> tags, 132
<input> tag, 325, 333
<select> tag, 343
sizes, CSS box model (controlling), 182-185
sizing images, 219-220
slash (/), division operator, 479
<small> tag, 124, 155
smartphones, 576. See also mobile web
SMS, 597, 391
social media, 688
advertising website on, 640-642
sound, embedding, 413-416
source code, displaying in Developer Tools, 30
source element, <video> tag, 399-400
<source> tag, 417
images, 213
table cells, 257-258
span attribute, 284
<colgroup> tag, 276
<span> tag, 125, 155
special characters, 112, 138. See also character
special effects, web pages, 518-520