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736 tapping

tapping, 587
target attribute
<a> tag, 557-562
<base> tag, 562, 571
target names, 557
<tbody> tag, 281-283
<td> tag, 244-246, 284
colspan attribute, 267
rowspan attribute, 267
valign attribute, 264
Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache All in
One, 681
telephone numbers, validating, 329
terms (glossary lists). See <dt> tags
forms, 368
required fields, forms, 531-533
results, 153-154
text, 583. See also content
aligning images with, 207-209
character formatting, design tips, 583-584
links, 588
proofreading, 584-585
spell checking, 584-585
wrapping around images, 210-212
text attribute
<body> tag, 172
<input> tag, 366
text controls, creating with <input> tag, 325-326
text-decoration properties, 126
CSS, 125, 156
font, 126-127
text editors, 26-27
text formatting, HTML pages, 49
text form controls, 316
text messaging, SMS, 597
text wrapping, stopping, 211-212
<textarea> tag, 366
form controls, 341-342

TextEdit, 26
texttop alignment (images), 207
TextWrangler, 27
<tfoot> tag, 280, 283
<th> tag, 244, 246, 284, 614. See also tables
colspan attribute, 267
rowspan attribute, 267
valign attribute, 264
<thead> tag, 279-280
this (argument), 494
this form object, 532
<thread> tag, 283
title attribute
<a> tag, 615
<link> tag, 161
<title> tag, 60-61
titles, descriptive titles, 583
tools, W3C Validator, 578-580
top alignment (images), 207
top levels, 97
top property
absolute positioning, 293
CSS positioning, 288
top target name, 558
<tr> tag, 244, 246, 284. See also tables
tracking SEO, 700
transcripts, 692
Transmit, 635
client-side imagemaps, 238
CSS, 195
file access, 636
file display errors, 638
images, 636-637
links, 637
tables, 285
Web server access, 636
websites, 636-638, 37
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