Python Programming for Raspberry Pi, Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours

(singke) #1
for running Python scripts, 65
structured commands, 115
if statement, 115 - 117
sudo, 32
for testing Python statements, 65
whoami, 29

comments, adding to scripts, 80


discard and remove operations, 193
Model A and Model B, 10 - 11
Python v2 and Python v3, 46
tuples, 124
Boolean comparisons, 124 - 125
numeric comparisons, 122
string comparisons, 122 - 124

compiled programming languages, 50

complex numbers, 105 - 106

creating, 105


lists, 165 - 166
tuples, 160

condition checks

combining, 126 - 127
negating, 127 - 128


direct bootup to GUI, 35 - 36
U.S. keyboard, 49 - 50


to GPIO, 530 - 534
via Gertboard, 533 - 534
via Pi Cobbler, 532 - 533
to MySQL databases, 452
to PostgreSQL databases, 463 - 464
Raspberry Pi to analog televisions, 15
Raspberry Pi to modern output displays, 16

constructors, 283 - 284


music playback, 517 - 521
output with escape sequences, 75 - 76


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