Python Programming for Raspberry Pi, Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours

(singke) #1
displaying text on, 399 - 403
interacting with, 409 - 410
moving, 408 - 409 , 411 - 414
setting up, 397 - 398

generic exception handling, 350


circuit, building, 538 - 539
connecting to GPIO interface, 533 - 534

get operation, 178 - 179

global variables, 251 - 253


GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) interface, 529 - 534
blinking the LED, 540 - 541
connecting to, 530 - 534
via Gertboard, 533 - 534
via Pi Cobbler, 532 - 533
detecting, 542
events, 546 - 548
polling, 545 - 546
switch bounce, 548
input signals, 544 - 545
testing, 539 - 540
viewing, 536 - 539
pin layout, 530
PWM output, 530
RPI.GPIO module, 535 - 536
installing, 535
startup methods, 535 - 536

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), 10


interacting with, 409 - 410
moving on the game screen, 408 - 409 , 411 - 414


comparisons with logical operators, 126 - 127
multiple statements
elif statement, 120 - 121
else statement, 118 - 120
if statement, 117 - 118
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