nested loops, 149 - 150
network cables, 18 - 19
networking, email servers, 423 - 432
networking modules, 423
urllib module, 432 - 433
number theory functions in math module, 107 - 108
number values, assigning to variables, 85 - 86
displaying, 102 - 103
floating-point values, formatting, 212 - 213
integer values, formatting, 212
numeric comparison operators, 122
NumPy module, 110 - 112
arrays, 111 - 112
data types, 110 - 111
information from sets, 189 - 192
set difference, 190 - 191
set intersection, 190
set membership, 189
set union, 189 - 190
symmetric set difference, 191
source code for PyGame library, 392 - 393
official Python website, 57
online documentation, IDLE, 57
OOP (object-oriented programming), 277 - 280
classes, 278 - 279
class modules, creating, 287 - 289
the class problem, 293 - 294
inheritance, 295
instantiating, 279
methods, 280 - 287
subclasses, 294 - 295
default attribute values, 279 - 280
open() function, 221 - 222
mode, designating, 222 - 223
opening files, 221 - 224
operating systems
downloading, 21