reassigning values to, 86
unassigned, 84
Python v2, interactive shell, 51
Python-Ogre, 389
PYTHONPATH environment variable, 271
querying data
with MySQL, 457 - 458
with PostgreSQL, 465 - 466
question mark (?), 330
queuing songs, 515
quotes, protecting with escape sequences, 76
randomizing playlists, 521
range function, 137 - 140
range() method, 171
ranges, 170 - 171
as pattern for regular expressions, 328 - 329
Raspberry Pi
acquiring, 9 - 11
features, 10 - 11
history of, 7 - 9
logging in to, 28 - 29
prepackaged kits, 11 - 12
troubleshooting, 24 - 25
Raspberry Pi Foundation, 9 , 19
Raspberry Pie game, 410 - 417
loading to SD card
from Linux, 556 - 558
from Mac OS, 558 - 560
from Windows, 553 - 556
updating, 41 - 43
re module
compiled regular expressions, 320 - 321
functions, 319 - 320
importing, 319
reading files, 224 - 228