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to Live. The Will to Live manifests itself in egoism, self-
assertion, striving, and conflict—morality requires a denial of
the Will. He sees a four-step process which man can follow
towards the only salvation available. First he must realize that he
is acting from self-interest in relation to his desires, thus recog­
nizing that he has a problem. Then he must understand that all
other individuals are all on the same level that he is. Out of this
realization will come a sympathy for all his fellow men. After all
they are all like rats on a sinking ship. And finally his individual
Will denies the Will to Live. He advances to a nirvana-like state,
desirous of nothing phenomenal, contemplating only the
noumenal, the object as it is in its essential form. He will have no
need for others, for approval, for companionship, sex, or any of
the desires of the will. Rather, he will simply contemplate
beauty, especially art, and the intellect will have defeated the
The process described here saves the individual. How can we
save the species? Schopenhauer answers, “by overcoming the
will to reproduce.” If men can realize how women use their
sexual devices to muddle men’s thinking and thereby distract
them from more worthy goals, the beginning will be at hand.
Women, by nature, cannot overcome their desires, because the
desires are too strong and the intellect too weak. Men can
overcome those desires, but only through the intellect. The
intellect must learn to distinguish sex from beauty. That which
we call beautiful in women, is not beauty but sex. The only
women we call beautiful are those of child bearing age. No love
sonnets are written for female octogenarians. The pictures in
Playboy are not art, not even artistic. They are sexual attractions,
meant to stimulate men and render their intellects useless. So, he
advises men to avoid women, develop the intellect, diminish the
Will, and slowly the world will move towards the extinction of
the race. When procreation ceases, the Will is overcome, and the
peace that only death can bestow triumphs.

98 Moral Philosophy: Ideas of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong
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