great thinkers, great ideas

(singke) #1

Introduction to Political Theory

Political philosophers conceive of the nature of the state in
forms that will conform to their view of the nature of man and of
good societies. Political philosophy must deal with questions
about the state and man’s relations to and within the state. Most
people discuss the state and problems related to the state without
ever having answered the question, what is the state? In this
chapter we will deal with the elements which comprise the state,
the origin of the state, its nature, and its sovereignty. In Chapter
Thirteen we will discuss law; what it is, where it comes from, its
role in society, and why it is so important and integral to the study
of political theory. In Chapter Fourteen we will address five
problems of government which affect all states. The ways in
which particular states deal with these problems determines
what form the state will take. Finally, in the next several chapters
we will deal with some of the political thinkers who have
contributed greatly to the subject in their search for the ideal
The state is an institution, the origin and nature of which we
will discuss later. There are five elements which are necessary to
comprise a state. A state consists of people, territory, govern­
ment, unifying factors, and sovereignty. Obviously, people are a
necessary requirement for the existence of any state. Territory is
another crucial element; there are boundaries, either natural or
political, and states exist within certain geographical limits.
Small islands are often limited by the simple fact of their
isolation from other land masses, and the state is limited to the
confines of that island. Political boundaries are set by sovereign
states in relation to one another, according to treaties, pacts, or
agreements between the parties involved.
Government, the means by which states function, is another
essential element. Government is to the state as the board of
directors is to a corporation. In order for the states to carry out
their function, government is necessary. In Marxist philosophy,

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