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(singke) #1
126 Political Theory: The Relationship of Man and the State

shot, or that the society do absolutely nothing about the problem.
Reasonable men will differ, but they will all suggest remedies to
the problem which have some merit. And some of those sugges­
tions will be enacted into law.
It is then, one of the primary purposes of the state to see to it
that good (reasonable) laws are passed. The passage of good
laws fosters respect for the law, respect for the law fosters
compliance, compliance with the law welds the fabric of the
society, and a stable society fosters the well being of the
citizenry. Similarly, one of the primary purposes of the state is
to enforce laws well (reasonably). That the punishment fit the
crime is essential. That the law be enforced equally among all the
citizens is also vital. Firm, fair, swift, and effective enforcement
of the law is the complement to the enactment of good law. Thus,
the intelligent enactment and enforcement of law is a vital
component of a just society. The failure of either aspect of this
dualistic concept of law will result in the failure of the law and,
more important, the failure of justice and, most important, the
failure of the state to achieve its purpose.

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