
([email protected]) #1
138 The Street, Little Clacton, Clacton-on-sea,
Essex, CO16 9LS. Tel 01255 862308

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For this short course you need one of the GPIC28 training
circuits shown in the picture, a PICkit 3, the 100-page book, and
our BMP280 18F PIC C software library. Ideally, you will already
have some experience, but the book does start with essential
PIC C revision.
Then we study the BMP280 and learn to set up SPI serial
communication. We experiment with code to display ID, raw
temperature and calibration data. We use this data to calculate
the temperature and then expand this to include air pressure.
Air pressure reduces if we walk up a hill. We use this fact to
calculate and display height gain.
Finally, we edit the code to display the total height gained
when walking in hilly countryside. Both GPIC28 training circuits
shown in the picture run the same code. The GPIC28sov4 on
the right is supplied as a kit with the PIC already fi tted. You need
good soldering and workshop skills to fi t this into a box as in the
picture. The expected release date is early April 2019. Prices will
be published as soon as possible. See our website for latest info.

by Peter Brunning

Experimenting with BMP

Temperature and Air Pressure Chip

The Brunning Software P955H

PIC Training Course

We start by learning to use a relatively simple 8 bit PIC microcontroller.
We make our connections directly to the input and output pins of the
chip and have full control of the internal facilities of the chip. We work at
the grass roots level.

The fi rst book teaches absolute beginners to write PIC programmes
using assembler which is the natural language of the PIC. The fi rst book
starts by assuming you know nothing about PICs but instead of wading
into the theory we jump straight in with four easy experiments. Then
having gained some experience we study the basic principles
of PIC programming, learn about the 8 bit timer, how to drive
the alphanumeric liquid crystal display, create a real time clock,
experiment with the watchdog timer, sleep mode, beeps and
music. Then there are two projects to work through. In the
space of 24 experiments two project and 56 exercises we work
through from absolute beginner to experienced engineer level
using the latest 8 bit PICs (16F and 18F).

The second book introduces the C programming language for
8 bit PICs in very simple terms. The third book Experimenting with
Serial Communications teaches Visual C# programming for the
PC so that we can create PC programmes to control PIC circuits.

In the fourth book we learn to programme 32 bit MX PICs using
fundamental C instructions. Flash the LEDs, study the 16 bit and 32 bit timers, write text to the LCD, and enter
numbers using the keypad. This is all quite straightforward as most of the code is the same as already used with the
8 bit PICs. Then life gets more complex as we delve into serial communications with the fi nal task being to create an
audio oscilloscope with advanced triggering and adjustable scan rate.
The complete P955H training course is £259 including P955H training circuit, 4 books (240 × 170mm 1200 pages
total), 6 PIC microcontrollers, PIC assembler and programme text on CD, 2 USB to PC leads, pack of components,
and carriage to a UK address. (To programme 32 bit PICs you will need to plug on a PICkit3 which you need to buy
from Microchip, Farnell or RS for £43).

Prices start from £175 for the P955H training circuit with books 1 and 2 (240 × 170mm 624 pages total), 2 PIC
microcontrollers, PIC assembler and programme text on CD, USB to PC lead, and carriage to UK address. (PICkit
not needed for this option). You can buy books 3 and 4, USB PIC, 32 bit PIC and components kit as required later. See
website for details.
Web site:-

We start by learning to use a relatively simple 8 bit PIC microcontroller.
We make our connections directly to the input and output pins of the
chip and have full control of the internal facilities of the chip. We work at

starts by assuming you know nothing about PICs but instead of wading
into the theory we jump straight in with four easy experiments. Then

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