Let's Knit -UK (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1


“For the raindrops, try using some
glitter yarn to add some sparkle
to your creation!”

LK Acting Deputy Editor,
Neti Love

£ Row 11: cast on six
sts, k to end. 20 sts
£ Row 12: cast on six
sts, p to end. 26 sts
£ Row 13: as Row 1. 28 sts
£ Row 14: p
£ Row 15: as Row 1. 30 sts
£ Rows 16-24: beg with
a p row, work in st st
£ Row 25: k2tog, k to last
two sts, k2tog. 28 sts
£ Row 26: p
£ Rows 27-28: rep Rows
25-26 once. 26 sts
£ Row 29: cast off six
sts, k to end. 20 sts
£ Row 30: cast off six
sts, p to end. 14 sts
£ Rows 31-70: rep
Rows 11-30 twice
£ Rows 71-75: beg with
a k row, work in st st
£ Row 76: p2tog, p to last
two sts, p2tog. 12 sts
£ Row 77: k
£ Rows 78-79: rep Rows
76-77 once. Ten sts
£ Row 80: as Row 76. Eight sts
£ Cast off

RAINDROPS (make five)
Using 4mm needles and yarn
A (C, D, E, F) cast on six sts
£ Row 1: (kfb) to end. 12 sts
£ Row 2: p
£ Row 3: (kfb) to end. 24 sts
£ Rows 4-6: beg with a




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great ADVICE

“It is difficult
to tell which
is the right
and wrong side
of the fluffy yarn so
place a stitch marker
on one side to help.”
LK DESIGNER, Nicola Valiji

p row, work in st st
£ Row 7: (k1, k2tog) to end. 16 sts
£ Rows 8-10: beg with a
p row, work in st st
£ Row 11: (k2tog) to end. Eight sts
£ Row 12: p
£ Row 13: (k2tog) to end. Four sts
£ Place sts on a dpn and
work an i-cord to meas 18 (13,
19, 13, 8) cm (see panel)
£ Cut yarn leaving a tail,
thread through rem sts,
pull tight and fasten off

Place Cover over polystyrene
wreath and join at back of
wreath to hide seam. To
make up Sun, place two sides
together with right sides
facing, and sew around cast-off
stitches leaving a gap. Turn
right side out, stuff and close
hole. Place Sun Rays around
Sun and secure. Join Rainbow
sections together with wrong
sides facing, leaving a gap.
Turn right side out and stuff
firmly, then sew up gap. Stitch
ribbon to top middle section
of Rainbow. Place two sides
of Cloud together with wrong
sides facing, and sew around
edges leaving a gap. Stuff and
close hole. For each Raindrop,
gather cast-on stitches, place
stuffing inside and sew up row
ends to i-cord. Place all items
on wreath and sew or glue
into place using photograph
as a guide, with Raindrops
behind Cloud. Attach ribbon to
securely hang wreath, ensuring
wreath hangs evenly LK
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