where this siege took place today, to the
Metropolitan Police 'epartment of 'C Po-
lice, Chief Contee, the entire command staff
and our ofɿcers who performed admirably,
you made us proud. <ou are the patriots,
not the people we saw storm the building.”
10:56 PM: 'C Police announces that they
have made 52 arrests so far, had recovered
pipe bombs from both the Republican and
'emocratic National Committee headTuar-
ters on Capitol +ill and had found a vehicle
with weapons and Molotov cocktails.
In addition to Ashli Bobbitt, shot and
killed by 8 SCP, three other individuals
died due to “medical emergencies.”
11:07 PM: +enry Rodgers of Daily Caller
tweets “S 28 RC( tells me >Marc Short@
Chief of Staff to 9 ice President Mike
Pence is being denied entry back into
the White +ouse. Working to conɿrm.”
11:08 PM: After more than two hours
of debate, the +ouse takes a vote on the
motion to disTualify electors from Ari]ona
“Shall the objection to the Ari]ona elec-
toral college vote count submitted by the
gentleman from Ari]ona Mr. *osar and the
Senator from Texas Mr. Cru] be agreed.”
The vote is 121 <ea, 0 Nay, and not
voting. The objection was not agreed to.
The Clerk of the +ouse notiɿes the
Senate of the action of the +ouse, in-
forming the Senate that the +ouse is now
ready to proceed in joint session with the
further counting of the electoral votes.
11:21 PM: - enny *athright of WAM 8
Radio tweets “ 8 SCP has not responded
to any of my repeated inTuiries today. It
was the MayorŠs ofɿce who conɿrmed
the fatal police shooting in the Capitol
for me earlier, and the '.C. police chief
who addressed it in a presser tonight.”
11:26 PM: 'aniella 'ia] of CNN
tweets a video of law enforcement of-
ɿcers, exhausted, sitting in the Capi-
tol rotunda, catching their breaths.
11:28 PM: Igor Bobic of +ufɿngton Post
tweets “I still canŠt believe today actually
happened. IŠm trying to process but itŠs just
not happening. IŠm thinking of my family
in Bosnia watching these scenes and canŠt
help but feel ashamed where we are now.”
11:34 PM: Steven Nelson of the New York
Post tweets “Sen. -osh +awley tells me
şyesŠ he will still object to Pennsylvania
electors, despite intense peer pressure
within *2P after todayŠs break-in.”
11:35 PM: +ouse Sergeant at Arms
Paul Irving announces that 9 ice Pres-
ident Mike Pence and the Senate of
the 8 nited States are joining the -oint
Convention of the two +ouses.
The Secretary of the Senate read the
order of the Senate, as follows “ 2 rdered,
That the Senate by a vote of ayes to
nays rejects the objection to the elector-
al votes cast in the State of Ari]ona for
- oseph R. Biden, -r., for President and
Kamala '. +arris for 9 ice President.”
)rom there, the certiɿcate of the State of
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecti-
cut, 'elaware, the 'istrict of Columbia and
)lorida are accepted. Then an objection is
raised on the electoral votes on the State of
*eorgia. +owever, Senators have removed
their support “following the events of
today” and the objection is not entertained.
11:56 PM: (li]abeth /anders of 9 ice News
tweets “.#MarkWarner just told me that
heŠs been in contact with Trump Cabinet
members and said, “I would so wish that
every fricking Cabinet member would walk
P+2T 2 CR('ITS C+APT(R 1 0AM NIC+2/AS KAMMʔA)Pʔ*(TT< C+IP S 2 M2'(9I//Aʔ*(TT< AM A/ 'RA*2ʔB/22MB(R*ʔ*(TT< C+APT(R 2 10 00AM BI// C/ARKʔC4ʝR2// CA//ʔ
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through the halls of this Capitol right now,
see the destruction and then make a judg-
ment whether 'onald Trump should stay.”
11:57 PM: Burgess (ver-
ett, Marianne /evine, and Mela-
nie =anona write in Politico
“Republicans started the day losing the
Senate. They ended it with President 'on-
ald TrumpŠs supporters losing their minds...”
- eff Walters, a member of the Carpentry
Shop of the Architect of the Capitol A 2 C ,
responsible for the physical plant, later
says “ThereŠs not a whole lot that surprises
us anymore, but seeing the overall condition
of the building that night, that, I would have
to say, was a bit shocking. IŠve been with
the Architect of the Capitol for maybe 22,
2 years. So IŠve seen a lot of the things
that have gone on here, but IŠve never seen
the building in such disarray” he said.
There was lots of debris and broken
glass, some broken furniture, broken win-
dows and broken doors, some of the interi-
or, historic doors, damaged beyond repair.
The -oint Session will deliberate on.
An objection was raised on the State of
Michigan, but the rules reTuire that it be
in writing and endorsed by a Senator. But
there is no supporting Senator, and the
objection is not entertained. An objec-
tion was raised on the State of Nevada,
but again there is no supporting Senator
and the objection is not entertained. An
objection is raised on the State of Pennsyl-
vania and there is debate before the motion
fails. At 0 a.m., 9 ice President Pence
announces that the electors ɿnal vote is 0
for -oe Biden and 22 for 'onald Trump.
“This announcement of the state of
the vote by the President of the Senate
shall be deemed a sufɿcient declaration
of the persons elected President and 9 ice
President of the 8 nited States, each for the
term beginning on the 20th day of -anu-
ary, 2021, and shall be entered, together
with the list of the votes, on the -ournals
of the Senate and the +ouse of Repre-
sentatives,” 9 ice President Pence says.
At 3:48 AM, the +ouse was adjourned.