
(Stevenselfio) #1

the danger zone. In the joyful group, who had laughed for one hour, their
after-dinner blood-sugar values rose about half that amount (slightly outside
of normal range).
Initially, the researchers who performed the experiment thought that the
lighthearted subjects had lowered their sugar levels by contracting their
abdominal and diaphragm muscles when they laughed. They reasoned that
when a muscle contracts, it uses energy—and circulating energy is glucose.
But the research went further. They examined the gene sequences of the
jovial individuals and discovered that these diabetics had altered 23
different gene expressions just by laughing at the comedy show they’d seen.
Their elevated state of mind apparently triggered their brains to send new
signals to their cells, which turned on those genetic variations that allowed
their bodies to naturally begin to regulate the genes responsible for
processing blood sugar.
Our emotions can turn on some gene sequences and turn off others, this
study clearly showed. Just by signaling the body with a new emotion, the
laughing subjects altered their internal chemistry to change the expression
of their genes.
Sometimes a change in genetic expression can be sudden and dramatic.
Have you ever heard of people, after being subjected to extremely stressful
conditions, whose hair turned gray overnight? That’s an example of genes
at work. They experienced such a strong emotional reaction that their
altered body chemistry both turned on the gene for the expression of gray
hair and shut off the genetic expression for their normal hair color, within a
matter of hours. They signaled new genes in new ways by emotionally, and
thus chemically, altering their internal environment.
As I discussed in the last chapter, when you’ve “experienced” an event
numerous times by mentally rehearsing every aspect of it in your mind, you
feel what that event would feel like, before it unfolds. Then as you change
the circuitry in your brain by thinking in new ways, and you embrace the
emotions of an event ahead of its physical manifestation, it’s possible that
you can change your body genetically.
Can you pick a potential from the quantum field (every potential already
exists, by the way) and emotionally embrace a future event before the actual
experience? Can you do this so many times that you emotionally condition
the body to a new mind, thus signaling new genes in new ways? If you can,

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