
(Stevenselfio) #1

for individuals doing bicep curls. The results were the same. Whether the
participants physically performed bicep curls or mentally rehearsed those
activities, they all increased their bicep strength. The mental exercisers,
though, demonstrated physiological changes without ever having the

physical experience.^9
When the body has changed physically/biologically to look like an
experience has happened just by thought or mental efforts alone, then from
a quantum perspective, this offers evidence that the event has already
transpired in our reality. If the brain upgrades its hardware to look like the
experience physically occurred and the body is changed genetically or
biologically (it is showing evidence that it happened), and both are different
without our “doing” anything in three dimensions, then the event has
occurred both in the quantum world of consciousness and in the world of
physical reality.
When you have thoughtfully rehearsed a future reality until your brain
has physically changed to look like it has had the experience, and you have
emotionally embraced a new intention so many times that your body is
altered to reflect that it has had the experience, hang on ... because this is
the moment the event finds you! And it will arrive in a way that you least
expect, which leaves no doubt that it came from your relationship to a
greater consciousness—so that it inspires you to do it again and again.

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