
(Stevenselfio) #1

doing that, she was broadcasting into the quantum field that the event had
already physically occurred.
The greatest people in the world have demonstrated this, thousands of so-
called ordinary people have done it, and you can as well. You have all the
neurological machinery to transcend time, to make this a skill. What some
might call miracles, I describe as cases of individuals working toward
changing their state of being, so that their bodies and minds are no longer
merely a record of their past but become active partners, taking steps to a
new and better future.

Transcending the Big Three: Peak Experiences
and Ordinary Altered States of Consciousness

At this point, you understand that the main obstacle to breaking the habit
of being yourself is thinking and feeling equal to your environment, your
body, and time. Obviously, then, learning to think and feel (be) greater than
the “Big Three” is your first goal as you prepare for the meditation process
you will learn in this book.
I’d bet that at some point in your life (perhaps even frequently) you’ve
already been able to think greater than your environment, your body, and
time. These moments when you transcend the Big Three are what some
people call being “in the flow.” There are a number of ways to describe
what happens when our surroundings, our bodies, and our sense of time’s
passage disappear and we are “lost” to the world. In speaking to groups
across the globe, I’ve asked audience members to describe creative
moments when they were so consumed by what they were doing, or were so
relaxed and at ease, that they seemed to enter an altered state of
These experiences generally fall into two categories. The first of these
are the so-called peak experiences, what we think of as transcendent
moments, when we attain a state of being that we associate with monks and
mystics. Compared to those highly spiritual events, the others may be more
mundane, ordinary, and prosaic—but that doesn’t mean that they are any
less important.

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