
(Stevenselfio) #1

vibrate at a slower wavelength and therefore ground us into being physical.
We become denser, heavier, and more corporeal, because that energy causes
us to vibrate more slowly. The body quite literally becomes composed of

more mass and less energy ... more matter, less mind.^1

Figure 5A. The higher-frequency waves at the top are vibrating faster and
therefore are closer to the vibratory rate of energy and less to that of matter.
Moving down the scale, you can see that the slower the wavelength, the
more “material” the energy becomes. Thus, the survival emotions ground us
to be more like matter and less like energy. Emotions such as anger, harted,
suffering, shame, guilt, judgment, and lust make us feel more physical,
because they carry a frequency that is slower and more like that of physical
objects. However, the more elevated emotions such as love, joy, and
gratitude are higher in frequency. As a result, they are more energy-like and
less physical/material

So it might make sense that if we inhibit our more primitive survival
emotions and begin to break our addiction to them, our energy will be
higher in frequency, and less likely to root us to the body. In a way, we can
liberate energy from the body, when the body has “become” the mind, into
the quantum field. As our emotions become more elevated, we will

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