
(Stevenselfio) #1

For most of her adult life, Monique had lived unconsciously in a near-
constant state of lack. Not enough money. Not enough energy. Not enough
time to do the things she wanted. Now she was going through a particularly
rough patch: her office rent had risen considerably (her house couldn’t
accommodate an office), she and her husband couldn’t afford to send their
son to the college of his choice, their washer needed replacing, and the
shaky economy had forced several clients to stop seeing her.
One day, while doing the meditation you will learn in this book and
pondering her life choices, Monique realized that she couldn’t keep doing
what she normally did—hunker down and weather the storm with a
pseudopositive, woe-is-me-but-things-could-be-worse mentality. She
recognized that she’d always made decisions or sought solutions to
problems from a perspective of lack—lack of time, of money, and of
energy. She had memorized that state of being; lack became her personality.
The epitome of inertia, she tended to “let the chips fall where they may.”
Ironically, Monique had worked with her clients to overcome these very
traits, and to be more proactive and less reactive.
With great resolve, she decided to change her personality. No longer
would she let life trample her and allow things to just happen to her.
Next, Monique created a template of who she wanted to be, how she
wanted to think, and what she wanted to feel. She imagined herself as a
woman who made all of her choices with an abundance of energy, time, and
money. Most important, her goal to become this person was as firm as her
vision was precise. She knew who she no longer wanted to be; and she had
definitive plans for how her new self would think, feel, and behave.
When we make a decision that strongly and have a clear intention for
what our new reality will be like, the clarity and coherence of those
thoughts produces corresponding emotions. As a result, our internal
chemistry changes, our neurological makeup is altered (we prune old
synaptic connections and sprout new ones), and we even express our
genetic code differently.
Monique began to live her life from the perspective of someone who had
plenty of money, who had abundant energy, and whose every need was met.
She felt wonderful. Certainly, not all the problems from her catalog of
worries went away, but she was becoming better at living from a different

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