
(Stevenselfio) #1

I urge you to spend at least a week of daily sessions, or more if needed,
devoted to practicing induction. Remember that this process will take up the
first 20 minutes of every meditation session. You want this to become a
familiar and comfortable habit, so don’t rush through it. Your objective is to
“stay present.”

Preparation for induction. In addition to the aspects of preparation I
discussed earlier, here are some further tips: First, sit up straight and close
your eyes. As soon as you do so, blocking some sensory/environmental
input from coming in, your brain waves lessen in frequency, moving toward
that desirable Alpha state. Then surrender, stay present, and love yourself
enough to move through this process. You may find that soothing music
aids in the progression from high Beta to Alpha, although it isn’t necessary
to use sounds.

Induction techniques. There are many similar variations on induction
techniques. Whether you use either the Body-Part or Water-Rising
Induction, alternate them on different days, employ some other method
you’ve used in the past, or devise a different one altogether isn’t important.
What is important is that you move from that analytical Beta state to the
sensory state of Alpha, and focus on the body, which is the subconscious
mind and the operating system, where you can then make the changes you

Overview: Body-Part Induction

One induction technique may at first seem contradictory—you’ll focus
attention on your body and environment. Those are two of the Big Three
that you have to overcome, but in this case, you’re in control of your
thoughts about them.
Why is it desirable to focus on the body? Remember, it and the
subconscious mind are merged. So when we become acutely aware of the
body and sensations related to it, we enter the subconscious mind. We’re in
that operating system I’ve mentioned often. Induction is a tool that can be
used to get into that system.

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