
(Stevenselfio) #1

box of your former personality. The skill of self-reflection has allowed you
to separate your free-willed consciousness from the automatic programs
that caused your brain to fire in the exact same sequences, patterns, and
combinations. You’ve examined how your brain has probably been working
for years now. And since the working definition of mind is the brain in
action, you’ve objectively looked at your limited mind.

Creating the New You

Now that you are beginning to “lose” your mind, it’s time to create a new
one. Let’s begin to “plant” a new you. Your daily meditations,
contemplations, and rehearsals will be like tending to a garden to yield a
greater expression of you. Learning new information and reading about
great people in history who represent your new ideal is like sowing the
seeds. The more creative you are in reinventing a new identity, the more
diverse the fruits you will experience in your future. Your firm intention and
conscious attention will be like water and sunlight for your dreams in your
As you emotionally rejoice in your new future before it is made manifest,
you cast a safety net and fence protecting your vulnerable potential destiny
from pests and difficult climatic conditions, because your elevated energy
shields your creation. And by falling in love with the vision of who you are
becoming, you are nurturing the potential plants and fruit with a miracle
fertilizer. Love is a higher-frequency emotion than those survival emotions
that allowed the weeds and pests to come in the first place. To eliminate the
old and make way for the new is the process of transformation.

Rehearsing the New You

Next, it’s time to practice creating a new mind over and over again until
it begins to become familiar to you. As you know, the more you fire circuits
together, the more you wire them into lasting relationships. And if you fire
a series of thoughts related to a particular stream of consciousness, it will be
easier to produce that same level of mind the time after that. Therefore, as

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