
(Stevenselfio) #1

Cathy’s story illustrates every facet of mental rehearsal. A massive stroke
had damaged the language center in her brain’s left hemisphere, leaving her
unable to talk for months. Doctors told Cathy, a corporate trainer, that she
would probably never speak again. Having read my book and completed
one of my workshops, Cathy refused to accept this devastating prognosis.
Instead, based on knowledge she had learned and instruction she
received, and applying focused attention and repetition, Cathy mentally
rehearsed speaking in front of groups of people. Every day, she practiced
this in her mind. Over a period of several months, she demonstrated
physical changes in her brain and body, to the extent that she repaired the
language center in her brain ... and completely regained her ability to
speak. Today Cathy once again addresses audiences fluently and flawlessly,
with no hesitation.
In your own study of this material, you made some important synaptic
connections as the precursor for you to have new experiences. Both of these
elements—studying information and having experiences—evolve your
brain. You are also being given the proper instruction in the unlearning and
relearning process of change. You understand the importance of focus in
attending to both mental and physical activity to mold your brain and
change your body to reflect your efforts. And finally, it is your repeated
efforts to rehearse your new ideal that will produce the same level of mind
and body, over and over again. Repetition will seal long-lasting circuits and
activate new genes for you to revisit the next day with greater ease. This
step is for you to practice reproducing the same state of being so it gets
The keys for you to focus on are frequency, intensity, and duration. That
is, the more you do it, the easier it gets. The better your focus and
concentration are, the easier it is for you to tap into that particular mind the
next time. The longer you can linger in the thoughts and emotions of your
new ideal, without letting your mind wander to extraneous stimuli, the more
you will memorize this new state of being. This step is all about getting into
becoming your new ideal in your waking day.

Becoming a New Personality Produces a New Reality

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