
(Stevenselfio) #1



Now that you have read the text and journaled for Step 7, you are ready
to practice your Week Four meditations. Every day, listen to (or do from
memory) the full Week Four meditation.
A helpful hint: During the Guided Meditation, you may find yourself
feeling so good that you naturally make statements like these to yourself or
out loud: I am wealthy, I am healthy, I am a genius—because you feel like
that in a very real way. That’s great. It means mind and body are aligned.
It’s important for you not to analyze what you are dreaming. If you do, you
will leave the fertile ground of the Alpha-wave patterns and return back to
Beta-wave patterns, and separate yourself from your subconscious mind.
Just create a new you without any judgment.

Guide to Continuing Your Meditation

You’ve just devoted the past several weeks to learning a meditation
practice that can become a lifelong means to help you evolve and create the
life you choose. You also used that new skill to start pruning away a
particular aspect of the old you, and to begin creating a new self and a new
At this point, many people ask questions such as these:

How can I continue to get better at the steps and skills of
Once I have mastered this process, should I keep doing it the
same way indefinitely?
How long should I keep working on the same aspect of self
that I’ve focused on up to now?
How will I know when I’m ready to peel away another
“layer of the onion”?
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