
(Stevenselfio) #1

differently. Reevaluate how you’re feeling, who you’ve been “being” in
your life, and whether you still have the attitude you were working on. If
that attitude feels like it has diminished, have you noticed other unwanted
emotions, states of mind, or habits that feel more prominent now?
If so, one approach might be to focus on that aspect of your personality
and redo the entire process you just completed. Alternatively, you may want
to keep working on one area while adding another.
Once you’ve mastered the basic template for how to meditate, you can
combine the emotions you’re working on in a more unified way, addressing
several aspects of yourself at the same time. After a lot of practice, I now
work on my whole self at once, taking what I think of as a holistic,
nonlinear approach.
Of course, elements of the new destiny you want to create will surely
change as well. When that new relationship or career change comes into
your life, you won’t want to stop there. And every so often, you may also
opt to vary your meditation just to shake things up a bit. Trust your

Advance Your Understanding Even More

If you haven’t already done so, I invite you to visit my website: Whenever you feel the need for new inspiration,
here you will find an array of practical tools and techniques to reprogram
your thoughts and remove self-destructive habits to empower you to change
from the inside out. Your next steps might be to:

Read my first book (and the companion to this one), Evolve
Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, to deepen
the knowledge that, as you now know, is the precursor to
experience. This book will walk you through the structures
of your brain, teach you how your thoughts and emotions
become hardwired, and give you the understanding to not
only change your life, but to change you into the person
you’ve always wanted to be.
Free download pdf