
(Stevenselfio) #1

enacting this universal consciousness. We become the elevated power that
transcends the past, heals the present, and opens doors to the future.

We Get Back What We Send Out

Here’s how this orchestration of events works in our lives. If we have
experienced suffering, and within our minds and bodies we hold that
suffering and express it through our thoughts and feelings, we broadcast
that energetic signature into the field. The universal intelligence responds
by sending into our lives another event that will reproduce the same
intellectual and emotional response.
Our thoughts send the signal out (I am suffering), and our emotions (I am
suffering) draw into our lives an event to match that emotional frequency—
that is, a good reason to suffer. In a very real sense, we are asking for proof
of the existence of universal intelligence at all times, and it sends us
feedback in our external environment at all times. That is how powerful we
The question at the heart of this book is this: Why don’t we send out a
signal that will produce a positive outcome for us? How can we change so
that the signal we send out matches what we intend to produce in our lives?
We will change when we fully commit to the belief that by choosing the
thought/signal we send out, we will produce an effect that is observable and
With this objective intelligence, we are not punished for our sins (that is,
our thoughts, feelings, and actions), but by them. When we project into the
field a signal based on the thoughts and feelings (such as suffering)
produced by some undesirable experience(s) in our past, is it any wonder
that the field responds in the same negative way?
How many times have you uttered these words, or very similar ones: “I
can’t believe it ... why does this always happen to me?”
Based on your new understanding of the nature of reality, do you now see
that those statements reflect your acceptance of the Newtonian/Cartesian
model in which you are a victim of cause and effect? Do you see that you
are fully capable of causing an effect yourself? Do you see that instead of

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