
(Stevenselfio) #1

this world behind, and enter a new reality beyond space and time, you will
be naturally inspired to apply it in your life.

Going Beyond Space and Time

What does it mean to be beyond space and time? These are constructs
that humans created to explain physical phenomena involving location and
our sense of the temporal. When we talk about a glass sitting on a table, we
reference it in terms of location (where it is in space) and how long it has
occupied that location. As humans we’re obsessed with these two
conceptions: Where we are. How long we’ve been there. How long we will
remain. Where we’ll go next. Even though time is not something that we
can actually sense, we feel it passing in much the same way that we sense
our location in space: we “feel” the seconds, minutes, and hours passing by,
just as we feel our bodies pressed against our chairs and our feet planted on
the ground.
In the quantum field, the infinite probabilities for materializing reality are
beyond time and space, because a potential doesn’t yet exist. If it doesn’t
exist, it doesn’t have a location or occupy a position temporally. Anything
that doesn’t have material existence—that hasn’t had its waves of
probability collapsed into particle reality—exists beyond space and time.
Since the quantum field is nothing but immaterial probability, it is
outside of space and time. As soon as we observe one of those infinite
probabilities and give it material reality, it acquires those two

To Enter the Field, Enter a Similar State

Great—we have the power to make material a reality of our own
choosing by selecting it from the quantum field. But we have to somehow
access that field. We’re always connected to it, but how do we get the field
to respond to us? If we’re constantly emitting energy, and therefore sending
information to the field and receiving information from it, how do we
communicate more effectively with it?

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