New York Magazine - USA (2021-02-01)

(Antfer) #1

40 newyork| february1–14, 2021


o a group of mothers at P.S. 3, where Lily
had been a student since 2013, Gladstone was just
another member of their tight-knit community.
“She was very vivacious,” one says. They would
drop their kids off and hang out on a bench nearby,
smoking, drinking coffee, and chitchatting—“See
you at bench” was their catchphrase. Gladstone’s
ongoing custody battle would often dominate the
conversation. She described her ex as a deadbeat
who had little contact with their daughter.
Many knew that the pair constantly stayed
in different rentals, even hotels, which made her kid perennially
late. Gladstone was often asking if Lily, whose backpack always
held sleepover necessities, could stay at her classmates’homes,
several parents told me. She would show up hours late for a
drink or social event, saying she had been on a deadline, though
they never actually understood clearly what she did for work.
Online, Gladstone’s film credits are extremely sparse, mostly
for being a “greensman,” someone who tends to flora. She
would say she was location scouting, one person who knew her
remembers, but was never able to name the film. “I have a
pretty good bullshit detector,” says Jocelyn Anker, the PTA

president, who knew Gladstone from when she served as class
parent. “I would probe her because I’m a producer, and she
would kind of always backpedal and not really give me very
specific answers.”
Their unstructured lifestyle was sort of odd, but most of the
parents just figured, That’s New York. Gladstone, a few of them
said, was clearly devoted to her daughter. The pair projected a
kind of us-against-the-world closeness.
But at least one mother at P.S. 3, who asked to remain anon-
ymous, realized there was something darker and more bizarre
going on when Gladstone and Lily stayed with her in Brooklyn
in 2015. Though she knew Gladstone only casually, she recog-
nized the “single-mom call,” said the woman, who was also
divorced. The stay was only supposed to be for a few days while
their apartment was being painted, but it turned into well over
a week: The mother says Gladstone sat on her patio chain-
smoking, drinking wine, and talking on the phone for hours.
Even though their kids were in school together, Gladstone kept
Lily home most days. At one point, the host threw a birthday
party for her son, and Gladstone walked in wearing the woman’s
clothes. The final straw, the woman said, was when she found
a folded-up $20 bill in a room Gladstone had recently been in;
it had white powder inside. She took
a photo of the object and immedi-
ately told Gladstone she needed to
leave. When she did, Gladstone took
several items with her, including
the woman’s jeans and aleather
jacket. “I got her out of my life as
quickly as possible,” the parent says.
“I’m not the kind of person to go
around blabbing about it.I didn’t
realize it was a detriment to the
whole community.”

gladstone met her ex, Jens
Klein, in San Francisco in 2007. A
German filmmaker and special-ef-
fects producer, he had recently moved
to the U.S. to work for a production
company. She was 31, working as a
waitress and as a receptionist at a
company that made jukeboxes for
bars, though Klein says she was call-
ing herself a marketing specialist.
Gladstone described her upbringing
to him as charmed but derailed by
tragedy. Her father was a wealthy
businessman, and Gladstone’s Face-
book profile says she was a boarder at
the tony Kent School in Connecticut.
She told Klein that her parents di-
vorced and lost their money. Court
records show that, years later, her fa-
ther was sued by Kent for $29,000 in
unpaid tuition. In 1992, when she was
still in high school, Gladstone’s older
brother committed suicide.
“She was charming,” Klein says of
their getting together. “It was summer
in San Francisco.” Klein claims Glad-
stone asked, a few weeks into their
romance, if he would cover her rent; he
declined. When Gladstone called to say
she was pregnant, he moved with her

An 860-square-foot battle ground.

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