Photoshop User - USA (2021-02)

(Antfer) #1
updates, as some GPU bugs are fixed by Adobe.
Once you’ve updated, try setting the Use Graphics
Processor pop-up menu back to Auto, and hopefully
the problem will have gone away for good.

Q. How do I move the User Presets folder to the
top of the Presets panel?
A. You can’t change the folder sort order in the Presets
panel. I imagine you probably want to move them to
the top as they’re the presets you use most frequently,
and the good news is there’s a Lightroom feature
that’s designed to help. Simply Right-click on your
favorite presets and select Add to Favorites. They’ll
stay in the User Presets folder, but they’ll also appear
in the Favorites folder at the top of the Presets panel,
so they’re easy to access. This works for any preset,
not just the ones in the User Presets folder.
Conversely, if you find you never use some groups
of presets, you can also hide entire groups. Just click
on the + button at the top right of the Presets panel,
choose Manage Presets, uncheck any preset groups
that you don’t use, and then click Save. They’ll be
hidden from view, reducing the clutter, but you can
show them again at any time by returning to that
Manage Presets dialog.

Q. I’ve bought a new MacBook Pro with an M1
processor and opened my Lightroom Catalog
from my external drive, but now when I try
to open the catalog on my older iMac, it won’t
work. Are the catalogs not compatible?
A. The good news is that your Lightroom Catalog is
a cross-platform format, so it’ll work on Windows
or macOS, regardless of the type of CPU. They
just have to be running the same Lightroom ver-
sion. You’ve probably installed the latest version
(Lightroom Classic 10) on your new MacBook, so
the catalog format was upgraded, but you haven’t
updated Lightroom on your iMac yet.
On your iMac, open the Adobe Creative Cloud
app from the Applications folder or click on its icon
in the menu bar. In the Apps tab, select Updates
on the left, find Lightroom Classic, and click the
Update button to install the latest release. Once
the installation completes, your catalog will open
as normal.

Q. When I open the Crop tool, the photo starts
to break up into chunks, as if the file is
corrupted. How do I fix it?
A. Hopefully, the photo isn’t really corrupted, but you
can double-check by opening it in Photoshop. If the
file’s okay, it’s just a preview problem, and preview
problems are almost always related to the GPU
(graphics processing unit). To test the theory, go
to Lightroom Classic (PC: Edit)>Preferences and
click on the Performance tab. Set the Use Graphics
Processor pop-up menu to Off, and then go back to
the Crop Overlay tool (R) and see if the problem
is solved. If the photo is back to normal, you’ve
confirmed the cause.
Leaving the GPU turned off isn’t ideal, though,
as the GPU helps to improve performance. If you’re
using Windows, check the graphics card manufac-
turer’s website for an updated driver or, on macOS,
install any operating system updates, as these often
fix bugs in the drivers. Also check for Lightroom




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