The Economist - USA (2021-01-30)

(Antfer) #1
The EconomistJanuary 30th 2021 Asia 31


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mid theclamour of Indian politics,
the yearly presentation of the na-
tional budget is an oddly solemn rite. By
tradition the finance minister serves
sweets to staff when the tome is printed.
After the descent from Delhi’s Raisina
Hill, the seat of government, to the circu-
lar parliament building at its foot comes
the stock photo on the steps of the legis-
lature, proudly gripping the ministerial
briefcase—at least, until Nirmala Sith-
araman, the current minister, pointedly
dropped this “colonial” relic for a homely
cloth-bound folder.
The ministerial speech itself follows
worn protocol, too, with the minister’s
sweeping overview followed by an ite-
mised account of planned spending. The
delivery can be gruelling. After a record-
breaking address of 161 minutes last year,
Ms Sitharaman felt faint and had to stop
without concluding. Her dogged enu-
meration of government projects and
programmes prompted one journalist to
quip that at least her budget was stim-
ulating demand for coffee.
Yet the stately tedium of the occasion
disguises toil, anguish and considerable
suspense. The stakes for Ms Sitharaman
this year are particularly high. Scheduled
for February 1st, her budget speech falls
in the midst not just of a pandemic, but
also the deepest economic slump on
record and, more immediately, a siege of
the capital by angry farmers. Indeed the
farmers, having briefly occupied the
city’s Red Fort on January 26th before
being shooed away by police, had also
threatened to mark Budget Day with a
march on parliament. (They called off the
march this week in response to the storm
of criticism and the massing of security
services prompted by the assault on the
Red Fort.) Their interest in the budget
itself is minimal; the invading farmers

simply want the government to scrap a trio
of agricultural reforms that would in-
crease their exposure to market forces.
There is keen interest in the actual
numbers from other quarters, of course. As
quarrelsome as the buzzards, crows and
parakeets in Delhi parks, India’s econo-
mists are wrangling more noisily than
usual about what the finance minister
should do. Spend more and damn the
deficit, say some. No, stay the prudent
course, say those who reckon it a good
thing that this government, despite big
talk of boosting the economy as it began to
falter last year, has in fact largely kept its
powder dry. There is ammunition for every
argument. Side-by-side on the same page
of a newspaper, one story carries upbeat
news that the imfexpects India’s economy
to grow by 11.5% this year, while another
states that a leading business lobby pre-
dicts a contraction of 8% in the current
financial year, ending in March. Yes, pov-
erty, joblessness and malnutrition have
surged, but so have corporate profits and
stock prices, to record heights.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of

a reforming budget that yanked a social-
ist India onto a faster growth track. Since
then the momentum of change has
slowed and even, in some respects,
reversed as the government of Narendra
Modi reverts to older ideas of protection-
ism and state control. Many would like to
see the reforms accelerate again. With
revenues down, spending sorely needed
and asset prices high, one obvious way to
achieve this would be to stop dithering
over privatisation. The government
could raise some $50bn, enough to fund
two to three years of spending on health
and education at current levels, simply
by shrinking its holdings in a handful of
state-owned firms to around 25%, reckon
Shashwat Alok, Aditya Kuvalekar and
Akhil Agarwal, a trio of economists.
But then again, this year also marks
the 161st anniversary of India’s first-ever
budget speech. It was delivered in 1860 in
Calcutta, as Kolkata was then known, by
James Wilson, a Scottish businessman,
banker and politician who, 17 years earli-
er in London, happened to have founded
The Economist. The British colonial au-
thorities had appointed him to restore
order to their shambolic finances. The
hard work took a toll. Just eight months
after arriving he died, as his tombstone
in Kolkata explains, “from the combined
effects of climate, anxiety and labour”.
Before he succumbed, Wilson ex-
pressed withering criticism of the ad-
ministrative ineptitude and vacillation
of the British regime: “The sacrificing
consequences of procrastination and
shirking responsibility and the tendency
to get rid of difficulties by compromise
or delays are fatal elements in the charac-
ter of the Government of India.” Even
though India has long since rid itself of
imperious colonialists, it seems not to
have expunged all their vices.

India’s budgets are becoming ever less reformist

pin, as Joaquín Guzmán, a Mexican cartel
boss nicknamed El Chapo.
Yet until Reuters, a news agency, pub-
lished a report on him in 2019, he was virtu-
ally unknown to the wider public. A search
on Baidu, a Chinese internet service, re-
veals not a single mention of him in Chi-
nese-language sources before his arrest.
Even though he is said to have been pro-
tected by a squad of Thai kickboxers, he
kept a remarkably low profile.
Mr Tse was arrested as a result of an in-
vestigation codenamed Operation Kungur
which involved some 20 law-enforcement

agencies, led by the Australian Federal Po-
lice. It is not his first brush with the law: in
1998 he was convicted in New York of con-
spiracy to import heroin. By 2006 he was
out of jail and soon, say law-enforcement
agents, returned to trafficking.
The Company is said to make its meth-
amphetamines in big production facilities
in the Golden Triangle, where Laos, Myan-
mar and Thailand meet, and especially in
Shan state in eastern Myanmar. From there
they are smuggled into Thailand, Bangla-
desh and farther afield. The syndicate was
thought to have been the source of 1.2

tonnes of methamphetamines found at
Geraldton on the west coast of Australia in
2017—the biggest-ever seizure of the drug
in Australia. The Company distributes the
drug both as tablets known as ya ba(“mad
medicine” in Thai) and as crystal meth,
which is usually smoked. Such is their
mark-up (as much as 30,000% in Japan)
that traffickers can afford to lose several
consignments and still make vast profits.
Mr Tse himself is said to have become so
rich that he once blithely walked away
from the gambling tables at a casino in Ma-
cau after losing $66m in a single night. 7
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