The Economist - USA (2021-01-30)

(Antfer) #1

36 Middle East & Africa The EconomistJanuary 30th 2021



would choose in a legislative election, 34%
of Palestinians said Hamas and 38% Fatah
(in the election of 2006 they won 44% and
41% of the vote, respectively). The rest
opted for third parties or were undecided.
A good showing could give Hamas a foot-
hold in the West Bank, where both Israel
and the Palestinian Authority (pa) have
long worked to suppress it. Many of the
president’s own lieutenants are therefore
opposed to holding elections now. The de-
cision is an uncharacteristic risk for the
stuffy Mr Abbas, one he hopes will leave
him with a renewed mandate and a smid-
gen of goodwill in Washington.
It is hard to remember now, but his rela-
tionship with Mr Trump began amicably.
After their first meeting at the White
House, in May 2017, Mr Abbas declared
“with you, we have hope.” But there was an
irreparable break in December of that year,
when Mr Trump recognised Jerusalem as
Israel’s capital and moved America’s em-
bassy there, breaking with decades of bi-
partisan consensus that it should remain
in Tel Aviv. For the Palestinians, the status
of Jerusalem should be resolved in a final
peace agreement. They saw Mr Trump’s
move as an effort to prejudge the outcome.
Things went from bad to worse. In 2018
Mr Trump set out to halt all American aid to
the Palestinians, including funds for the
United Nations agency that supports Pales-
tinian refugees and for the Palestinian se-
curity forces that America helped train and
equip. He also closed the Palestinian dip-
lomatic mission in Washington. In 2020 he
released a “peace plan” seen as hopelessly
biased: it allowed Israel to keep about a
quarter of the occupied West Bank.
Last year Mr Abbas compounded his
problems. Buoyed by Mr Trump’s plan, the
Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanya-
hu, contemplated annexing parts of the
West Bank. In protest, Mr Abbas stopped
accepting transfers of tax revenue that Isra-
el collects on the pa’s behalf. That cash cov-
ers 60% of the authority’s budget. Without
it, many workers went unpaid or received
only half their salaries. Some accepted this
as a sacrifice for the greater good.
In August, however, it became a need-
less sacrifice. Israel suspended talk of an-
nexation in return for diplomatic ties with
the United Arab Emirates, a decision that
could bring economic dividends as well
(see Business section). Mr Abbas, like many
Palestinians, saw the Emirati move as a be-
trayal. He was unwilling to reverse his deci-
sion on the tax revenue without some dip-
lomatic victory of his own. By the time he
relented, in November, the Palestinian
economy had suffered. Almost one in six
Palestinians in the West Bank works for the
government, in jobs that tend to pay better
than the private sector. The unemploy-
ment rate in the West Bank rose from 13% in
the third quarter of 2019 to 19% a year later.

No surprise, then, that the Biden ad-
ministration seems a breath of fresh air.
The new president has already promised to
renew aid to the Palestinians and restore
diplomatic ties. Yet some of the hope in
him is misplaced. For a start, Mr Biden will
not reverse all his predecessor’s policies, as
Tony Blinken, his secretary of state, made
clear at his confirmation hearing. Asked if
the administration recognised Jerusalem
as Israel’s capital and planned to keep
America’s embassy there, he gave a suc-
cinct answer: “yes and yes”.
Nor is the new president a miracle
worker. He cannot end the schism between
Palestinians nor reverse the hawkish tilt in
Israeli politics. America has spent three de-
cades trying to broker a deal between Israel
and the Palestinians; well-intentioned
presidents working in better circum-
stances have failed. Mr Biden’s inbox is
filled to overflowing and his political capi-
tal is limited. The moribund peace process
is unlikely to be a priority.
Even many Palestinians would think it a
wasted effort. Just 2% believe there is a
good chance of securing their own state in
the next five years. Most expect to be stuck
with the status quo. They have differing
ideas about how to break the impasse with
Israel (see chart). A solid majority, 63%,
backs a campaign of non-violent resis-
tance. Pluralities agree with armed struggle
(48%) and dissolving the pa(44%), while
29% support abandoning the two-state sol-
ution and pushing for a binational state
that Arabs and Jews would share between
the Mediterranean and the Jordan river.
One can debate the merits of each path.
Calls for a one-state solution would meet
broad opposition in Israel. Even in the
most amoral assessment, the violence of
the second intifadawas a strategic mistake,
one that hardened public opinion against
Palestinians both in Israel and overseas.
These debates are common in the territo-
ries, in cafés, at conferences on social me-
dia—everywhere, it seems, but in the halls
of power. Mr Abbas may win another four
years in office. But he has nothing to offer
except the same ideas that led nowhere
over the previous sixteen. 7

Tactical responses
Palestine,publicopinionpoll,December 2020, %


Source:PalestinianCentreforPolicy and Survey Research

Dissolve the

Return to armed intifada

Resort to non-violent


Demand binational state

Agree Neutral Disagree


hen a foreignjournalist needs a
pithy quote, or diplomats want to talk
about human-rights abuses in Morocco,
Fouad Abdelmoumni usually obliges. His
expertise is microcredit, but he is also an
articulate critic of the makhzen, the coun-
try’s royal court. So recently the men of
King Muhammad vi (pictured) tried to
shame Mr Abdelmoumni into silence. They
gained access to recordings of him having
sex with his partner. Then they pinged
clips to his relatives’ phones.
Mr Abdelmoumni says dozens of the
king’s critics—from liberals to Islamists—
have faced similar smear campaigns. Since
2019 the regime has tried and jailed three
prominent journalists for sexual offences,
including rape. Media in thrall to the makh-
zenhail these as victories for the country’s
#MeToo movement. Independent journal-
ists say they are being cowed by the king
and his kangaroo courts. Several women
who testified against the journalists said
their statements were falsified. At least one
of them was jailed, too.
Until the Arab spring uprisings in 2011,
Morocco’s press was among the region’s
freest. Independent magazines and web-
sites, such as TelQueland Lakome, ran fea-
tures on the king’s personal finances and
his alleged ties to drug smugglers. But
since then, and although the Arab spring
protests in Morocco were relatively tame,
the press has come under increasing heat.

The regime is peeping on its critics in
an effort to silence them


Sex, lies and


The cranky king
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