The training payoff:With strong pecs, you look great in tight t-shirts. You
also need strong chest muscles for sports like tennis, golf, and football.
Special tips:For women — it’s important to understand that your pecs are
not your breasts; in fact they reside directly underneath your breast tissue.
However, toning your pecs can lift your breasts and make them appear firmer.
For men — don’t become obsessed with bench pressing to the point of
excluding all other exercises. Men with overdeveloped chest muscles and
wimpy legs resemble hard-boiled eggs on toothpicks. Besides, doing too
much chest work sets you up for shoulder injuries.
Our favorite exercises:Bench press, dumbbell fly, push-up, and incline
dumbbell press
Arms ..............................................................................................................
Take a survey of today’s TV stars, fashion models, and music artists, and you
can see that firm arm muscles are in style. Even department-store man-
nequins now have toned arms. Be sure to give your front and rear arm mus-
cles equal time; if one of these muscle groups is disproportionately stronger
than the other, you’re at greater risk for elbow injuries.
Figure 12-6:
You work
when you
do chest
180 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights