Job description:Your glutes extend your hips and help you jump, climb
stairs and hills, and straighten your leg behind you. You also use your gluteus
maximus when you stand up from a sitting position.
The training payoff:Training your glutes can lift your butt, make it rounder,
and give it more shape. You also need your glutes to get off the couch so you
can go work out.
Special tips:Some glute exercises, such as the squat and the lunge (elon-
gated variations of deep knee bends), can be hard on your knees, so pay
extra attention to your form. When you bend your knees, your kneecaps
should move in the direction that your toes are facing, and they should not
shoot out past your toes.
Our favorite exercises:Squat, lunge, and leg-press machine
Hip abductors ....................................................................................
Given name:Hip abductors
Street name:Outer thighs or outer hip
Whereabouts:The meatiest part of the side of your hips (refer to Figure 12-9)
Job description:Your abductors help you slide your leg out to the side, like
when you go skating or step aside so someone can get past you. These muscles
also help your gluteus maximus (or butt) rotate your hips outward.
Figure 12-9:
Your butt
and upper-
leg muscles.
186 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights