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Don’t be afraid to play around with the different types of adjustments. Attach-
ing a new bar is easier than it looks, and you may find that, when working your
triceps, a V-shaped bar feels more comfortable than a straight bar. When you
do make the switcheroo, you may need to adjust the amount of weight you’re
using. Even if you’re doing the very same exercise, you may use more weight
pulling down the V-shaped bar than you would pulling down the straight bar.

Tubes and Bands .........................................................................................

Exercise tubesare like the thick rubber tubes you can find in a medical-supply
store — they just come in brighter colors. Some exercise tubes have handles
or buckles attached to each end (see Figure 13-3), or they come in a kit with
attachable plastic bars and door attachments. You also can buy exercise
bands,which are long, flat sheets of strong rubber.

Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.

You can exercise virtually every muscle group in your body with bands and
tubes, although tubes work better for some exercises, while bands work
better for others. You just have to experiment. Here’s how you can use bands
to work both of your biceps at once: You stand on the center of the band and
hold an end in each hand, with your elbows by your sides. Bend your arms

Figure 13-3:
You can use
tubes to
muscle in
your body.

202 Part IV: Lift and Curl: Building a Stronger Bod with Weights

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