Photograph by Sunstreak Productions, Inc.
Technique tips
Keep these tips in mind as you perform the dumbbell biceps curl:
Keep your knees slightly bent and your posture tall. Don’t lean back or
rock your body forward to help lift the weight.
Keep your elbows as close to your body as you can without supporting
your elbows on the sides of your stomach for leverage.
Don’t rest when you reach the top or bottom of the exercise; instead,
keep a constant tension on the biceps.
Lower the weight back to the starting position slowly and with control.
Gym alternative: Arm-curl machine
Adjust the seat so when you sit down and extend your arms straight out,
they’re level with your shoulders, and your elbows are lined up with the
moving hinge or pulley of the machine. Sit down and grasp a handle in each
hand with your palms facing up.
Bend your elbows and pull the handles until they’re just above your shoul-
ders (see Figure 14-14). Then slowly lower the handles back down.
Figure 14-13:
Keep your
close to
your body
biceps curl.
Chapter 14: Designing a Strength-Training Program 229