Make the class fun. You don’t want your instructor to take your classes
so seriously that they become a chore.
Have an education. It’s a definite plus if your instructor is certified by
one of the major national fitness organizations: the Aerobics and Fitness
Association of America (AFAA), the Aerobics Instructor from the American
Council on Exercise (ACE), the Exercise Leader from the American College
of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and Group Exercise Specialist from the
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)/Reebok. See Chapter 4 for
more information.
The certifications for aerobics instructors usually require less knowledge of
muscle mechanics than personal training certifications, but they’re more
geared toward the skills you need to lead a group, such as motivating students
and modifying exercises for different levels. Some specialty fields, such as
boxing and Ta’i Chi, are certificates that certified instructors can earn; other
specialties aren’t. However, some teachers have aerobics-instructor certifica-
tions to supplement their specialty.
A word about cost
Class fees vary widely. Some health-club memberships include unlimited
classes, while others charge up the wazoo for specialty classes that require
the instructor to hold a certificate. Aerobics studios charge $5 to $25 per
class, sometimes more for certain specialty classes. At many clubs and
studios, you can buy a package of classes — say, ten at once — but be sure
to find out if you must use up the package by a certain date. Another option
is to buy a month’s worth of unlimited class memberships. Some clubs will
let you try out a class for free.
Popular classes
Two classes that have the same name may be completely different. One body-
sculpting class may use dumbbells; another may use rubber exercise tubes.
And, of course, no two teachers have the exact same style. Still, every body-
sculpting class has a number of common characteristics. The same goes for
other types of classes. Here’s a rundown of the most common classes
around, roughly in order of their popularity.
A recent trend is the invention of quick fitness classes — intense, 30-minute
classes that help people sneak in a workout in the busiest of days.
286 Part V: Conquering the Gym (Even at Home)