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Tips for first-timers: No matter how fit you are, always start with the lowest
step — don’t put any risers underneath. Don’t feel intimidated if the guy next
to you looks like he’s standing on a coffee table. Also, if you find yourself get-
ting confused or behind, forget about the arm movements and concentrate
on the footwork for a little while. When step workouts start to feel easy, con-
sider adding a riser.

Body sculpting and core conditioning
What it is: A non-aerobic, muscle-toning class, usually focused on core
strength. Most sculpting classes use weight bars, exercise bands, or dumbbells,
or a combination of these gadgets. You perform traditional weight-training
moves in a class setting.

What it does for you:Gives you strength and muscle tone and lowers your
risk of bone loss, but only if you lift heavy enough weights.

The exhaustion factor: Depends on the instructor, the level of class you’re
taking, and how much experience you have with strength training. Prepare to
be sore if you’re a novice or if you usually do different exercises.

The coordination factor: Low. Anyone can do this, although it may take a few
sessions to learn proper form.

Who digs it:Anyone who wants to firm up. Body sculpting and core strength-
ening are great if you want to learn the fundamentals before you venture into
the gym on your own. We also recommend these classes for people who
won’t lift weights unless they’re in a class.

Signs of a sharp instructor: Instructors should tell you to use moderately
heavy weights so that you don’t do more than 15 reps per set. (We define
reps and sets in Chapter 14.) Watch out for instructors who do dozens of rep-
etitions with light weights: You’re not going to build much strength or tone
that way. (Some clubs still offer a class called Body Pump, which involves up
to 100 repetitions for some exercises. Stay away from these classes.) The
instructor should correct your form and remind you where you should feel
the exercise. Watch for a warm-up and cooldown, too. Some instructors
skimp on these essential workout components.

Tips for first-timers: Prepare yourself for muscle soreness the day or two
after your workout. If you want to focus on a particular part of your body,
look for a specialty class like Express Abs or Lower-Body Sculpting. Just
know that you’ll be strengthening (toning) these body parts, not melting fat
off them.

Circuit training
What it is: A fast-paced class in which you do one exercise for 30 seconds to
5 minutes and then move on to another exercise. It’s like a game of musical
chairs: Everyone begins at a station(that is, a place where an exercise is

288 Part V: Conquering the Gym (Even at Home)

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