If you’re in the mood to pull out your calculator, you can determine your BMI
by following these steps:
- Multiply your height in inches times your height in inches.
- Divide your weight by the number you arrived at in Step 1.
- Multiply the number you came up with in Step 2 by 705.
The result is your BMI.
So what does your BMI mean? The National Institutes of Health has issued
the BMI guidelines shown in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Understanding Your Body Mass Index
BMI Weight Status
Less than 19 Underweight
19 to 24.9 Healthy
25 to 29.9 Overweight
30 or greater Obese
People with a BMI of 25 or above are considered at higher risk for heart dis-
ease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, gallbladder disease, cancer, and death.
But these guidelines are controversial. Even members of the government
panel that issued the guidelines believe that setting the low point for over-
weight at a BMI of 25 is somewhat arbitrary. Keep in mind that BMI, like body-
fat percentage, is only one factor in assessing your health. Also know that
BMI measurements for extremely muscular athletes and pregnant women are
not very accurate.
You may wonder: If BMI has so many limitations, why are we including it in
this book? Because it’s the simplest way — no fees, no equipment, and no
schlepping to the health club — of estimating whether you may be in the
overweight ballpark.
Getting zapped (also body-fat scales and handheld testers) ........
Another common method of body fat testing is called bioelectrical impedance
analysis(BIA). You lie on your back while a signal travels from an electrode
on your foot to an electrode on your hand. The slower the signal, the more
Chapter 2: Testing Your Fitness 23