Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Chapter 3, Optimizing Our App and Using Components to Display Data, is about optimizing

our Vue.js code by reducing the repetition and logically organizing our code. Once

complete, it looks at how to create Vue components and use them with Vue, how to use
props and slots with components, and utilizing events to transfer data between


Chapter 4, Getting a List of Files Using the Dropbox API, presents loading and querying the

Dropbox API and listing the directories and files from your Dropbox account. It then looks
at adding a load state to your app along with using Vue animations.

Chapter 5, Navigating through the File Tree and Loading Folders from the URL, explains how to

create a component for both files and folders, and add links to the folder component to
update the directory listing. it also covers how to add a download button to the file

component and create a breadcrumb component so the user can easily navigate back up the
tree and dynamically update the browser URL, so if a folder is bookmarked or a link is

shared, the correct folder loads.

Chapter 6, Caching the Current Folder Structure Using Vuex, shows how to get started

with Vuex along with storing and retrieving data from the Vuex Store. It then looks at how
to integrate Vuex with our Dropbox app, how to cache the current Dropbox folder's

contents, and loading data from the store if required.

Chapter 7, Pre-Caching Other Folders and Files for Faster Navigation, describes the

process of pre-caching folders, storing the parent folder's contents, and how to cache the

download links for the files.

Chapter 8, Introducing Vue-Router and Loading URL-Based Components, explores Vue-Router

initialization and its options and how to create links with Vue-Router. It then looks at how
to make dynamic routes to update the View based on the URL. From there, it describes how

to use props with URLs, nest and name routes, and navigate programmatically.

Chapter 9, Using Vue-Router Dynamic Routes to Load Data, is about outlining our

components and routes, loading a product CSV file and creating an individual product

page with images and product variations.

Chapter 10, Building an E-Commerce Store, Browsing Products, describes how to create a

homepage listing page with specific products, create a category page with a reusable
component, create an ordering mechanism, create filters dynamically, and allow the user to

filter the products.

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