Building an E-Commerce Store - Browsing Products Chapter 10
In our CategoryPage component, we can now call on the new getter with
this.$store.getters.categoriesExist(). To save having this.$store.getters
repeated twice in this function, we can map the getters to be locally accessed. This allows us
to call this.categoriesExist() as a more readable function name.
At the beginning of the computed object, add a new function
titled ...Vuex.mapGetters(). This function accepts an array or an object as a parameter
and the three dots at the beginning ensure the contents are expanded to be merged with the
computed object.
Pass in an array containing the names of the two getters:
computed: {
category() {
This now means we have this.categoriesExist and this.categoryProducts at our
disposal. Update the category function to use these new functions:
computed: {
category() {
if(this.categoriesExist) {
let category = this.categoryProducts(this.slug);
if(!category) {
this.categoryNotFound = true;
return category;