Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

(singke) #1
Displaying, Looping, Searching, and Filtering Data Chapter 2

We can now call that method in our view:

<td v-bind:class="activeClass(person)">
{{ activeStatus(person) }}

I appreciate this is quite a simple execution; let's try a slightly more complex one. We want

to add a conditional class to the balance cell depending on the value. If their balance is
under $2000, we will add an error class. If it is between $2000 and $3000, a warning class

will be applied and if it is over $3000 a success class will be added.

Along with the error, warning and success classes, a class of increasing will be added

if the balance is over $500. For example, a balance of $2,600 will get both the warning, and

increasing classes, whereas $2,400 would only receive the warning class.

As this contains several bits of logic, we will create a use a method in our instance. Create a
balanceClass method and bind it to the class HTML attribute of the cell containing the

balance. To begin with, we'll add the error, warning and success classes.

<td v-bind:class="balanceClass(person)">
{{ formatBalance(person.balance) }}

In the method, we need to access the balance property of the person passed in and return

the name of the class we wish to add. For now, we'll return a fixed result to verify that it's

balanceClass(person) {
return 'warning';

We now need to evaluate our balance. As it's already a number, comparing it against our

criteria won't involve any conversions:

balanceClass(person) {
let balanceLevel = 'success';

if(person.balance < 2000) {
balanceLevel = 'error';
} else if (person.balance < 3000) {
balanceLevel = 'warning';

return balanceLevel;
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