Large Application Patterns with Vuex Chapter 18
If you are using the official Webpack template, you can run your tests
with npm run unit. This uses PhantomJS by default, which doesn't
implement some features. You can either use Babel polyfills or simply go
into karma.conf.js and write Chrome instead of PhantomJS in the
browsers array. Remember to install the Chrome launcher with npm
install karma-chrome-launcher --save-dev.
Testing actions
Testing actions means testing that the action commits the expected mutations. We are not
interested in the mutations themselves (not in unit tests at least) because they are already
tested separately. We might, though, need to mock some dependencies.
To avoid any dependencies from Vue or Vuex (since we don't need them and they may
pollute the tests), we create a new actions.js file inside the store directory. Install Axios
with npm install axios. The actions.js file can look like the following:
import axios from 'axios'
export const actions = {
downloadNew ({ commit }) {
.then(({ data }) => {
commit('ADD_ITEMS', data)
To test for requirement number 2, we start by mocking the call to the server that should
download the new to-do items:
describe('actions', () => {
const actionsInjector =
const buyHouseTodo = {
id: 84,
text: 'Buy house',
done: true
const actions = actionsInjector({
'axios': {
get () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
data: [buyHouseTodo]