Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

(singke) #1
Integrating with Other Frameworks Chapter 19

In our template, we want a formattedTime method in the sense that we'd like to see the

time in mm:ss format, which is much more human-readable than just the number of

remaining seconds (even if that's more geeky), so we need to add the computed function:

computed: {
formattedTime () {
const pad = num => ('0' + num).substr(-2)
const minutes = Math.floor(this.remainingTime / 60)
const seconds = this.remainingTime - minutes * 60
return `${minutes}:${pad(seconds)}`

To add this component to the app, go to the App.vue file and edit the following lines,

replacing the landingPage placeholder element:

<div id="#app">

import Pomodoro from 'components/Pomodoro'
export default {
components: {

Launching the app with npm run dev, you should now be able to track the time while

working or studying:

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