Complete Vue.js 2 Web Development_ Practical guide to building end-to-end web development solutions with Vue.js 2

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Vue Router Patterns Chapter 20

  1. Trigger global beforeResolve hooks:
    Providing in-component guards and async route components have been
    resolved, we can now hook into the global router.beforeResolve method that
    allows us to perform action(s) at this stage.

  2. Navigation:
    All prior Navigation Guards have been fired, and the user is now successfully
    navigated to a route.

  3. Trigger afterEach hooks:
    Although the user has been navigated to the route, it doesn't stop there. Next, the
    router triggers a global afterEach hook that has access to the to and from
    parameters. As the route has already been resolved at this stage, it doesn't have
    the next parameter and thus cannot affect navigation.

  4. Trigger DOM updates:
    Routes have been resolved, and Vue can appropriately trigger DOM updates.

  5. Trigger callbacks within next in beforeRouteEnter:
    As beforeRouteEnter does not have access to the component's this context,
    the next parameter takes a callback that resolves to the component instance on
    navigation. An example can be seen here:

beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(comp => {
// 'comp' inside this closure is equal to the component instance

Programmatic navigation

We're not limited to template navigation using router-link; we can also

programmatically navigate the user to different routes from within our JavaScript. Inside of

our App.vue, let's expose the and give the user the ability to select a

button that will navigate them to either the /hello or /hello/:name route:

<div id="app">
<button @click="navigateToRoute('/hello')">/Hello</button>
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